How Much Does It Cost to Paint a House? Reduce Wear and Tear Related Costs 


So, how much does it cost to paint a house? To help you get started, let’s discuss how to make your house look good as new with a paint job. 

Owning a home is an activity for the long haul. You’ll live here for a while—so you want to preserve its value, right? Even as simple as repainting, regular maintenance ensures your property’s longevity. A fresh coat of paint can work wonders: it can liven up a room, seal against natural wear and tear, update your aesthetic, and boost your home’s curb appeal

However, depending on labor costs and how much paint you need, painting projects can sometimes break the bank. So how much does it cost to paint a house, exactly? And what can you do to trim costs where you can—without compromising quality? 

This article will explore the costs of painting your property and why addressing wear and-tear on your newly painted walls matters.

Why Address Wear-and-Tear? 

Houses are usually built to outlast the homeowner’s lifetime. But no matter how well built your home may be, the forces of nature will still take a toll. Exposure to the elements, natural structural aging, and day-to-day living can cause a variety of wear and-tear damages. 

While these damages are entirely normal—it’s the cost of living in a space—it’s critical to address them ASAP to avoid a significant maintenance bill later. For instance, an unrepaired leaky roof can cause insulation damage or mold buildup. Meanwhile, wooden surfaces with chipped paint absorb water and can eventually compromise the structural integrity of your house.

That said, regular repairs and routine maintenance—be it painting your home exterior every few years or filling in cracks in the concrete—can help you reduce costs in the long run. Nip problems in the bud and ensure your house remains in peak condition for the long haul. 

Cost to paint a house

Cost of House Painting 

So, how much does it cost to paint your house? According to Forbes, as of 2023, homeowners pay, on average, $1900 per paint job. The cost can fluctuate, of course, depending on a variety of factors, such as the following: 

Size of the House.The more surface area you need to paint, the more your painting job will cost. So it’s important to get a reasonable estimate of the space involved first. 

Type of Paint.Paints come in a wide range of sheens and textures, each of which can vary in cost and use. Some are better suited for exterior painting, while others are meant only for interiors. You might also consider paints with specialty features, such as fire-retardant or anti-mold paint. 

Quality of Paint.Paint ingredients such as binders and pigments can affect the quality of paint. Higher-quality paint often requires fewer coats without compromising longevity—but it can also dent your budget.

Cost of Labor. Painters often charge around 80% of the total cost of the project for labor costs. However, this can change depending on the difficulty of the project. For instance, you can expect higher charges if you have high ceilings, tight spaces, or walls with heavy textures that require more paint. 

Paint jobs can get pricey—but even so, it’s better than the cost of repairing an unmaintained property. According to the 2022 Hippo Housepower Report, homeowners spent an average of $6000 on repairs in 2021—that sticker shock makes $1900 look like pocket change!

Protect Your Investment—Hire Professional Painters 

It can cost quite a bit to paint your house, but the upkeep falls by the wayside and can cost you even more down the line. Your home is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make, so keeping it in tip-top shape matters. A good paint job reduces wear and tear on your property, making it more resistant to accidental damage and day-to-day use. It also doesn’t hurt that it makes your house look good as new! 

Of course, to ensure the best paint job, you want to have the best painters in the business working on your home. That’s where WOW 1 DAY PAINTING comes in. We’ll turn around fast, quality paint services with minimal disruption to your day-to-day life—we’ll be done in just one day! 

Are you getting ready to repaint, looking for the pros to help you pull it off? Give us a call today!